EX250 parts diagrams
These diagrams are the same as the ones on kawasaki.com and the Ron Ayers parts fiche. The major advantage of these diagrams is that they're right here in the FAQ, and they allow you to see everything on one page. The purpose of these diagrams is to let you see how everything goes together. Ron Ayers is really a better place to look up part numbers, as there is only part of the number here. The Ron Ayers and Kawasaki sites have the whole thing. Here's a short lesson on how Kawasaki part numbers work. The first half tells what kind of part it is. The part after the dash (-) is the specific number for that bike. Let's take a typical replacement part: the clutch cable. You look on the 'cables' picture and see that it's #54011. Then look at the other part of the page where all the numbers are listed (we don't have that bit) and see the extended number, 54011-1295. The EX500 for the same year is 54011-1340 and the ZX600 is 54011-1293. These images are for an EX250-F19 (2005) model. Names used are from kawasaki.com, in ALL CAPS. Further explanation is (in parentheses). Unlike the rest of the FAQ, the captions are under the diagrams. They are in the same order as at kawasaki.com. Make sure you click through and use the image expander for the best detail. We hope that these diagrams will make it easier for you to figure out what goes where and to put your cycle back together more efficiently. 1. AIR CLEANER (airbox) 2. BRAKE PEDAL TORQUE LINK 3. CABLES 4. CAMSHAFT(S) TENSIONER 1. CARBURETOR PARTS 2. CARBURETOR 3. CHASSIS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 4. CLUTCH 1. COWLING LOWERS 2. COWLING 3. CRANKCASE BOLT PATTERN 4. CRANKCASE 1 CRANKSHAFT 2 CYLINDER HEAD COVER 3 CYLINDER HEAD 4 CYLINDER PISTONS 1 ENGINE COVER(S) 2 ENGINE MOUNT 3 FENDERS 4 FOOTRESTS.png 1. FRAME FITTINGS 2. FRAME 3. FRONT BRAKE 4. FRONT FORK 1. FRONT MASTER CYLINDER 2. FRONT WHEEL 3. FUEL EVAPORATIVE SYSTEM(CA) 4. FUEL TANK 1. GEAR CHANGE DRUM SHIFT FORKS 2. GEAR CHANGE MECHANISM 3. GENERATOR 4. HANDLEBAR 1. HEADLIGHT 2. IGNITION SWITCH LOCKS REFLECTORS 3. IGNITION SYSTEM 4. METER(S) (gauges) 1.MUFFLER(S) 2. OIL PUMP OIL FILTER 3. OWNER'S TOOLS 4. RADIATOR 1. REAR BRAKE.png 2. REAR MASTER CYLINDER 3. REAR WHEEL CHAIN 4. SEAT 1. SIDE COVERS CHAIN COVER 2. STAND(S) 3. STARTER MOTOR 4. SUSPENSION SHOCK ABSORBER 1. SWINGARM 2. TAILLIGHT(S) 3. TRANSMISSION 4. TURN SIGNALS 1. VALVE(S) |